Tuesday, February 17, 2009

That Emma.

The girls and I enjoyed a day together yesterday. What do girls do when they have some free time? Shop, of course. I had the ginormous double stroller, and walked away from it to check something out, to return to this conversation, already underway:

Store Clerk: Well, you sure are some adorable girls.
Emma: Yep.
Store Clerk: How old are you?
Emma: [matter-of-factly] Six months.
Store Clerk: Do you mean, like, 2 and 6 months, or 3 and 6 months.
Emma: Nope. 6 months.
Store Clerk: What is your name?
Emma: Crazy Emma Borgen.
Store Clerk: [laughing] What is your sister's name?
Emma: CRABBY Eva Borgen.....

Store Clerk: Well, it was nice to meet you, Crazy and Crabby!


Anonymous said...

Lol! That's cute:)


Jodi said...

Very cute!

Naomi said...

Oh my gosh Cara. You have the funniest little girl on your hands. She was cracking me up with the things she said last week! She's so funny.

Katie R. said...

Cara, that is such a hoot. Crazy and Crabby, very nice. :)