Friday, July 17, 2009


Friend: After reading Baby On Boardggren..... Does Emma ever wear clothes?
My reply: Man, I take a lot of scuff for that. I did inventory--there are only THREE pictures of Em without clothes (and 2 of them were the same night). What can I say, the child likes to be without clothes around the house! I have learned to choose my battles.....

Am I a bad mother.....I am starting to get a complex?


Jodi said...

Not at all. Gracie runs around in her diaper all day, unless we're going out or it's too cold. She loves being naked, and I love when she's happy. I think making our kids happy makes us GOOD moms. :)

Anonymous said...

Ignore them, your not a bad mother because your child runs around without cloths. OMG I get so much crap about Audree running around without clothing it isn't funny. She prefers being in a diaper or undies and that's it, especially when it's hot out. They're kids, doing what kids do! You are a great momma!

Elizabeth said...

Emma and Addison both prefer to run around without clothes (or Emma wants to wear the same thing EVERY stinking day) And honestly, it's easier that way! Otherwise, I would need a bottle of Shout attached to my pants at all times to be scrubbing stains out of their clothes! They are little...let them be kids! Besides, this is the only time it's cute and ok to run around naked! You're a good mommy!