Monday, November 26, 2007

First Fight

Emma and her brother had their first fight last night. I was relaxing on the couch laying on my side, when out of no where, Emma climbed up on me ("Mommy upf") and proceeded to JUMP on my stomach obliquely--mind you I am laying on my side. I was instantly overcome with pain, and a lot of it. She pounced just at the right angle that I felt as though my placenta had ruptured from the wall of my abdomen (almost impossible, by the way!) I lost my breath for a second, and then had the residual feeling that I had a huge bruise on my tummy.

Emma apologized with a hug, but the arousal began. Peanut was OVER-active for the next 2-3 hours. He was doing flips, turns, somersaults, etc. even to the point that I laid down in bed. Josh even got to feel the immense action.

So, I don't know if Peanut got sat on, sandwiched, or flipped, but I would say that Emma won..... I still feel a bit sore today!


Naomi said...

Oh my gosh! That's terrible!I hope you feel better today. We will work on "brotherly love" at daycare;)

erin said...

Oh my goodness, how funny!
I wonder what Peanut did to deserve it... It's always the brother's fault, you know!
By the way, BROTHER?? When did we decide this??

Cara said...

Dunno.... I just think boy. Poor baby if she comes out a girl, because I consistently refer to baby as 'he!'