Monday, January 14, 2008

34 Week Check-Up

Let's start off with the good news. I only gained 2 pounds since my last visit 4 weeks ago--and Christmas was in the middle of all of that! Hooray!

Now, on to the rest. Many frustrations surmounted in this visit. The first, my PI-HTN has returned. Surprisingly, it has taken 34 weeks to have a high reading. It is still considered "normal" at 138/80, but with my pregnancy-induced hypertension history, my doctor is concerned. He wanted to start me on medication, but I refused with this being my first high reading. I will utilize my interns to keep a daily check on things..... My urinalysis showed no proteins, so I do not feel that there is much to be concerned about.

Also, my doctor seemed hurried today and did not check my cervix. With as many contractions as I have been having, and with as quickly as I started dialating with Emma, I am certain that I have begun, but won't know until my next appointment IN THREE WEEKS. Yeah, my doctor will be enjoying the Hawaiian sun for 10 days, and I could not get in to him again for three weeks. This leaves me feeling a bit apprehensive, considering when I see him again I will be well into the week of being considered full-term. I could theoretically have this baby before I am able to see my doctor again, and know what my cervix is doing. Ah, the frustrations.

I did ask him to check the baby's position today, and from what he could determine externally, which is not nearly as reliable as internally, he thinks the baby is head-down. I do too, but with Emma being breech until the very end, I would have liked to know for sure today so that I could put my chiropractic and acupuncture techniques in full-force, if need be, to flip the babe.

Hopefully just using my blog as a source for venting will calm me down a bit, but I left feeling very uneasy.

Did I mention that I have been peeing every hour, on the hour? I never experienced this with Emma, so I am trying to get used to it, but IT IS VERY ANNOYING. The more I am on my feet (pretty much all day at work!), the more I have to pee. Urgh.

Oh well, I have less than 6 weeks to go.....


erin said...

ME TOO! (About the peeing.) With every step I take, I have to pee. Then I sit down and I'm fine.
I'm sorry about your other frustrations.
Idea: Call tomorrow and tell the nurse you've been having a lot of contractions and want the on-call doc to check your cervix. I would be willing to bet $100 that they won't say no, and one doc can check a cervix as well as the next, especially for this purpose.
I'll pray for your pain level. I'm really sorry. : (
Let me know if you need anything.

Naomi said...

I agree. Just go in and have another doc check your cervix. You would rest a lot easier knowing what's going on for the next three weeks.