Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas to Me.

I have mastitis. Again. Please pray for my boob. I am in a lot of pain, and feel terrible. Ugh.


donsopmom said...

I will pray for you to be healed quickly! Unfortunatley between milk blisters and Sophia biting me and making me bleed as she discovered her new teeth, my milk supply is severely depleted and we may be done nursing. If you have any suggestions to increase it again. Please let me know! Take care, Tina

Cara said...

Hi Tina! Great to see you on here! ;) To increase your milk supply, drink LOTS of fluids, and stimulate your production (either by nursing or my trusty method of pumping!) every 2-3 hours. It sucks, but within 2-3 days you will see an increase of supply. Hang in there, friend!