Thursday, May 1, 2008

Grey Matter Matters.....

They say you can lose up to 20% of brain tissue when you are pregnant. I beg to differ. I think it is twice that.

I have been saying the stupidest things lately. And you don't even want to know how many times I have lost my keys..... You see, as the baby is rapidly developing inside of you, it steals a few brains cells. They are supposed to "quickly" return after delivering, but this time around, I think I am continuing to lose them at rapid fire. Thankfully, this didn't occur with Emma as I took Part 3 of my National Chiro Boards 6 weeks after she was born, and Part 4 when she was only 4 months. Some how I managed to pass, although I am not convinced that I would be able to currently. I am just plain dumb lately.

I can't wait to see what I say today.....


Naomi said...

I am right there with you! Pregnancy causes brain damage, (I am pretty sure in may case, it is permanent! Although, I haven't been non-pregnant much in the past year and a half!) I just feel like a totally dummy. We will get through this together, and if not, we can just be dumb together:)

Cara said...

I am so glad to have a partner in crime! :)

Jodi said...

I hear ya, I'm loosing everything! I feel lost at school.

erin said...

I can't follow the conversation or finish a sentence. I'm stupid.