Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Facts.....

So here is the goings-ons at our house lately:
~ It is now official. Josh has changed careers. He has worked so hard to take the classes, obtain licensure, interview with companies, and ultimately land a job that not only "believed in him" to become an insurance agent, but also saw his potential--American Family is making him a full-blown agent when he concludes his training in March. I never thought he would be a business owner before me (!), but I am SO PROUD of him. Our dream is to purchase a building, and have both of our businesses in one location.....
~ On a different note, Potbelly "caught wind" of his upcoming career change, and even though Josh intended to work diligently until starting his training with AmFam in February, they needed their GM's on board for the new year, and fired him 2 days after Christmas..... This ultimately led to more vacation time with family around New Year's, but also left us without Josh's paycheck for 5 weeks. We have learned to trust God to provide [and eat what is left in the cupboards]!
~ Josh has been an amazing House Husband. He has picked up ALL of the slack at home, as my schedule is crazier-than-ever this term. I come home every night to a meal, chocolate cake, folded laundry, and a welcoming hug. He is enjoying extra time with the girls, and is doing what he can to find odd-jobs to make ends meet.
~ All of the aforementioned facts have done nothing but draw us closer together, and to God. Enough said.


erin said...

You got yourself a good man there, Cara! I am proud of you both for working so hard and trusting God to see you through.
I CAN'T WAIT to spend some time with you tomorrow night.

Naomi said...

I am proud of you Cara. So proud. It is so easy to forget God's blessings during these times. You are being faithful to your promise to praise God in the good times and the bad.