Monday, January 19, 2009


Last night, Eva slept for 11 hours, in her own bed, without waking up to nurse. [Translaion: Mommy slept through the night for the first time in over a year.] She has technically been sleeping through the night since she was 6 weeks old ("experts" say that 6 hours is sleeping through the night). She consistently sleeps from 8pm-7am, but consistently wakes up to eat at 4am EVERYDAY, but recently, she has been waking up FOUR times to nurse. [Translation: Eva has literally grown in front of our eyes this past week.]

Let's hope for another sleepless night tonight!


Jodi said...

I. am. SO. jealous.
Gracie's doing the up seven times a night thing.

erin said...

I'm jealous, too. But happy for you. Sort of.

Elizabeth said...

How in the world have you gone that long without a solid block of sleep?!?!? Congrats to you and I hope it continues!!!!!