Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What A Weekend!

Jared & Leighan
Mr. & Mrs. Clark

I have another sister! ;)

Kisses for the bride and groom!

Papa and Ems at the "reception"

Squish and Grandma

Sisters (in-laws!)

Eva loves her Uncle Jon!

The Siblings!
Josh, Me, new sister Leighan, Jared (Josh's brother), Jon (Josh's other brother), Megan

A soon-to-be-soldier and his new bride!

Josh and Eva at Jared's Going Away Party.....

Emma crashed with Papa!

Eva and MooMoo

Caite(my sister) and Montae came for the Going Away Party too!

Jared and Leighan cutting their cake!

Montae--the life of the par-tay!

Eva wasn't so fond of the Dora party hats.....

Emma enjoying her birthday lunch! When we are home, we have every function at the restaurant where Josh and I met. It seems so fitting.....

Birthday girl hanging out with my Mom while our car was in the shop (yes, again!)

Birthday girl enjoying her party!

Em blowing out her THREE candles!

Opening a butt-load of presents!

Eva wants to help too!

Giant Dora doll!

Attempt at a family picture after everyone was over-tired!

We have just returned from a whirlwind trip home from Chicago! We were able to see lots of family this weekend as we celebrated the marriage of Josh's brother Jared to Leighan, saw Jared off as he joined the Air Force, and celebrated Emma's 3rd birthday! Here are some pictures to display how much fun was had by all!


erin said...

I love the family photo.
Also, Josh's mom looks like Paula Abdul. : )1

Elizabeth said...

you guys met at monical's? at least that's what the restaurant looks like?