Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This is it.

Alot has been going on in life, and in my head, since my last post. More priceless time was spent with my family, and a new year brought a new term with my job. Josh and I have experienced new scenarios in life. I pulled a 14-hour day yesterday, and now it is time to start another day. I am being challenged in ways I never thought possible, simultaneously, in so many different areas of my life right now. I have honestly never been so busy or felt so overwhelmed in my entire life. The pressure is on at work as I am carving out my future in the final months of my residency, and learning the appropriate balancing act of being a successful chiropractor yet an effective mother has never been more important. I have to play my pieces strategically.

I must lean on Him..... I can't possibly do this on my own.


Anonymous said...

Cara, I see you were either up with Eva or could not sleep last night. You do have so much going on right now but your last comment says it all - God's promises are true and He will be with you as you make important decisions. It is too quite here and we miss you all. What a blessed time togehter we had over the holidays! Remember that like always I have faith in you and we are here for you and Josh.


Jodi said...

Hang in there, hun. You know your heart is in the right place, and that God knows what is best for you, even if it hurts while it's happening. I'll be prayin' for ya!

Elizabeth said...

Take lots of deep breaths. And let the little stuff go...after our oldest was so sick, it made us different parents. All the little things became less important. And we learned to cherish every moment we had with Emma (and now both girls). Remember, you are trying to be successful so you can provide for them and because you like doing what you do! And I know you are an awesome Mommy. I see it in the pictures you put on the blog. Your family adores you. So take comfort in the little things and quick moments (rare as they may be). Then take a deep breath and finish this residency!!! What a truly spectacular accomplishment for a young mom! I am very proud of you!!!

Brenda said...

I feel for you because the last three years as I work with Neonatal Residents who are juggling a pregnancy or raising small children’s along with trying hard to be involved in their children’s lives. Fears of that their little babies will not remember that Mom is still around. You are not alone in your torn feelings in the world of healthcare and family care. Cara-God gave you a gift to healing that you are using to bless the lives of others. Not everyone has been giving this Gift-your mom is right: God's promises are true and He will be with you as you make important decisions. He will always give you the time you need. One day there will be this special patient that will never leave your heart…you will know you are doing the right thing! Your babies smiles and giggles will give you the energy to make it through these challenging times.

Cara said...

Thank you all for your encouraging words. I am certainly surrounded by people that care. I love you all!

erin said...

Hang in there, my sweet friend. I have said it before, and I'll say it again--you are one of the hardest working people I know.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
I love you! I miss you! I'm praying for you every day.