Friday, December 21, 2007

30 Week Check-Up

I had my 30 Weeker this past week, and all was well.
BP: 108/78
Fetal Heartrate: 150's
Fetal Fundal Height: Measuring 30 weeks exactly
Weight Gain: 3 pounds in 4 weeks :)
Intense cramping in lower abdomen coupled with contractions for the past week: Deemed perfectly normal in a second pregnancy in a Momma who doesn't know what it means to take it easy...

Next appt: January 14, 2008, where we will make sure this Peanut is head down, and begin weekly digital exams--HOORAY!


erin said...

Wow! Time flies!
Glad everything is going well.
What's a digital exam?

Cara said...

A pelvic exam done manually to check the status of baby's position, dialation and effacement of cervix, yada, yada. Great fun! Your fun will begin soon!

Anonymous said...

What week begins the digital exam? I am not looking forward to it! I'm glad to hear everything went well at the dr.'s!
