Friday, September 7, 2007

Baby on "'Board'ggren"--do you get it?

While it may not be shocking to those around me, it is still a shock to me! Am I really pregnant again? Yes, there is indeed another "baby on board....."

This blog comes after much prompting from my fellow Pregnant Posse--a group of four friends all pregnant at the same time, with three of us due within 3 weeks of each other, and the other our Nanny. There MUST be something in the water! This blog is meant to keep you informed of my progress, and current shock level!

So, enjoy my posts (don't forget to leave a comment!), laugh at my shock, and provide support when I don't think I can handle another Emma!


Naomi said...

Yay Cara! Welcome to the blogosphere! I am SO EXCITED to read your updates! Can't wait to hear how things are going! Love you!

erin said...

Welcome to blogdom, lady! It's about time! I can't wait to read all about your pregnancy! Love you!

erin said...

OK, so I just realized that I wrote ALMOST exactly the same thing as Naomi. Go figure.

Mandi said...

My comment, I can assure you, will be much different from Erin's or Naomi's. Welcome to the blogs. I'm not pregnant, nor do I intend to be anytime soon. I just like reading them :) Haha..