Monday, September 10, 2007

Fun Facts....

~ The very day that Peanut #2 was conceived is the very same day that I "ceased producing milk" from my first pregnancy.

~ Emma was born on the 25th. This baby is "due" on the 24th. They will be 25 months apart. If this baby is born on the 25th, I am going to go out that day and play the lottery, betting all odds on the number 25. Did I mention I was 25 for alot of this?

~ Emma's due date was January 16th--my grandma's birthday. This baby is due on February 24th--Josh's grandma's birthday!

Do you have any fun facts?


Naomi said...

What funny coincidences! Our only "fun fact," is that little Presh was conceived on New Year's Eve (er, probably New Year's Day actually), which means that the weeks of my pregnancy line up exactly with the week of the year. Example: I am 37 weeks pregnant, it is the 37th week of the year. I have a calender that has the week of the year listed every Sunday, so I just check that when I need to refer to a certain week of my pregnancy!

erin said...

Our baby was concieved on Richard's birthday, which fell EXACTLY on day 14.

Anonymous said...

Those are funny coincidences! How cool! I'm trying to think if we have anything coincidences, but I can't come up with anything. Hmm...I'll keep thinking.


Mandi said...

I'm not pregnant..but I do have a weird coincidence. I was born on May 1st, and I went to middle school with 4 boys also born on May 1st, 1989. 3 of the 4 boys were named Jacob.

I dunno...weirds me out a little bit!

Cara said...


I LOVE geting your non-pregnant input! :) It keeps me sane! Keep writing girl!