Thursday, September 20, 2007

How I Told.....The Pregnant Posse'

Well, I'm not gonna lie--I told Naomi the first time I saw her (a.k.a. the Monday after that weekend). I knew there was no way that I could see her twice a day, and keep a secret..... She was happy, but probably next filled with overwhelming realizations that this would also mean another baby for her, too. We will see how much patience Naomi does have! So far, she has more patience than anyone I have EVER encountered, so perhaps a 2 year-old-Emma, a 6-month old Baby Nourse, and Borggren Baby #2 will be no big deal.

Now on to the rest of the Posse'. We were getting together for our weekly Girl's Night. I had decided that due to a recent miscarriage to someone near and dear to me that I would wait to portray our news until reaching a more comfortable landmark--perhaps 12 weeks or 8 if I couldn't wait. I honestly had no intentions of relaying the news to the Posse', though in retrospect, I am so glad that I told when I did! Sarah barely got in the door before exclaiming that she was going to have a baby. Now being that she has been trying for quite some time (is it okay if I say that Sarah?), this was the News of the Year for all of us. We were so excited to watch Sarah tear up as she told us the news. My first question was "when are you due?" She choked up between hugs and said, "February twenti......." At this point (knowing my due date was around the 24th of February) I knew there was absolutely no way to keep the verbal vomit from coming forth. Our due dates were within the same week! The diarrhea of the mouth took over, and I told my news. I am not quite sure who was more shocked. It was a joyous time though! I felt horrible, feeling as though I had "dampened" Sarah's news, but she maintains that she didn't care--the more the merrier! After hugs and tears, we all sat down. I quickly realized that we still had one member of the Posse' that wasn't pregnant, but would have died to be. We all hugged Erin, and promised her that in God's time, she would get knocked up too! Little did we know, life had already begun within her! What a night!


erin said...

I actually wasn't "dying" to be pregnant. I was very happy for all of you, though I felt a bit left out.
That night will always be one of my favorite memories of the girls. All of our personalities were displayed so well, which just confirmed our bond and love for one another.

Naomi said...

Well my patience can be bought with the right amount of $$, paid vacation, maternity leave and benefits. Sound good? No problem, right?! ;)
Seriously though, we will have to wait and see how things go with my new wee one. I hope I can handle it all! Thanks for your vote of confidence in me! The one thing that sprung to mind right away, is how three car seats will fit in my car... (Then again, maybe I wouldn't be brave enough to ever leave the house with three kids under 2!)

Cara said...

Erin--We all knew you were happy for us. I guess I just felt "left out" for you.

Naomi--We will definitely talk money, but what sort of benefits were you hoping for? As always, we are open enough with each other that if 3 is too much, all you have to do is give us time to find another Nanny (and remain a "back-up" option)... (tear, sniff, weep)

Naomi said...

I was so kidding. ;) Besides, I've already got great benefits-- free chiropractic care! Which, honestly, is the best benefit ever. Especially suring this pregnancy! Thank you so much for taking care of me and baby!