Sunday, October 28, 2007

23 Week Update

Not a whole lot going on.....
~ I am now wearing some maternity pants, and I am quickly remembering how much I hate them!
~ The huge appetite is subsiding slowly....
~ I am still thinking/feeling BOY. Now if we could just decide on a boy name....
~ We are preparing our house for another munchkin. Things are coming along nicely--if we could only figure out how to create another bedroom!
~ The Bears suck.
~ Emma now realizes that there is a baby in Mommy's tummy.... How fun!
~ Josh is realizing that he needs to talk to Peanut more so that his voice is recognized by him. He often says, "Peanut, I am your Father." (Star Wars quote....)
~ I still feel great! No complaints!


erin said...

Hilarious post!
"The Bears suck."
"Peanut, I am your father."
I needed that this morning. Thanks!
You look so good. I'm so happy this is going well for you. : )

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you weren't wearing maternity pants before -- LUCKY!!! I mostly opt for the athletic pants a size too big pulled up to my armpits. It's a great look -- but comfy!


Anonymous said...

Gotta luv 'The BEARS suck' comment in the middle of the pregnancy blog!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you don't like maternity pants. I thought everyone loved having a stretchy band around their waist and pants that go WAY above the belly button:) Just kidding! I can't wait for normal jeans. Just 3 to 4 more months for us both! I'm so happy that everything is going well! How fun that Emma is starting to realize there's a baby in your tummy.
