Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Week 40 Appointment

BP: 120/76
Weight gain: 1 lb this week--21 total
Cervix: 2-3 cm dialated, 40% effaced
Heart rate: 150 bpm
Fundal height: 38 weeks, meaning the baby has dropped even more!
Membranes were stripped excessively, acupucnture was performed last night to induce labor. Spine is in line!

Induction will take place next week if nothing occurs before then.....

Daddy's prediction: Baby will come tonight or tomorrow.
Mommy's prediction: It is going to take pitocin and breaking of water to get this baby out!

Currently: Moderate cramping post-membrane stripping, with intermittent contractions.


Naomi said...

oh my gosh!!! I am so excited, and impatient. I am with Josh, but only because I want it to come tonight!

erin said...

Can you explain to me what the difference is between stripping membranes and breaking water?

Cara said...

Why yes, I can. Stripping membranes is a soft tissue technique that some doctors use, and others do not. It involves digitally stimulating the opening of the cervix, in hopes that stimulation will produce prostaglandins, which will in turn initiate contractures of the uterus, and thus begin labor.

Breaking of the waters, on the other hand, is where you manually go in with a tool of some sort, past the cervix, and into the uterus to puncture the amniotic sack that contains the amniotic fluid. When the water is broken, the head engages itself into the opening of the canal, and the pressure of the engaged head is thought to initiate labor.

I hope I made sense.

And I hope something happens soon.....